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Suds and Scissors is a dog grooming salon with the gentle touch of a professional groomer .

Based in Bulahdelah, NSW, Suds and Scissors delivers  a full grooming service, in a pleasant, quiet, temperature controlled environment, designed to minimise stressful interactions and transform your pet into a soft, beautiful, clean well trimmed dog.

Happy well cared for pets, expert one on one care with a gentle touch to make sure the whole grooming experience is a pleasant one  for you and your pet.

Offering a full grooming service to breed standards or just to make  your lovable mutt look his or her best. Ranging from a light trim or tidy up to full clips or de-sheds, and everything in between. 

My salon has the very best equipment including a large height adjustable bath to suit dogs of all sizes, connected to hot water so your dog never gets cold bath along with air conditioning for the steamy summer days or freezing winter mornings.  Organic shampoos to suit all skin types, including medicated shampoos for those dogs with allergy’s or skin conditions. Fast efficient pet friendly dryers along with the full range of the latest equipment to ensure the best bath and groom to suit you and your dogs needs.

Your dogs happiness is my priority, so with your permission, treats can be used during and after the grooming process to make sure the whole experience is a pleasant one. Correct behaviours are encouraged with the use of treats, and of course, a treat at the end is just that little something to look forward to, as long as thats OK with you.

Your happiness with my service is also important to me, so if there is anything you would like changed, a little more off here and there, something you were expecting but didn't get, then just contact me within 3 days of the service and I will schedule a free return visit to make things right.